Monday, October 13, 2008

Today is a new day, the first day of my re-birth. Today the sun shines bright - it is a good omen. A promise of growth and vitality. Today I feel confident that all will be well. This is so because I am relying on God's strength to see me through day by day henceforth.

I allowed myself to sink into the miry clay six months ago. By God's mercy I am out of the mess I am in and I know that He will guide me as I take the walk of faith with Him. God promised that He is always with me, He never forsakes me. He also promised that my sins He remembers no more because Jesus has taken it on Himself when He hung on the cross for me. I am righteous in His sight. I am a precious child of God, deeply loved, highly favoured and greatly blessed. I cannot ask for me. Thank You Father for Your love, grace and mercy.

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