Thursday, October 16, 2008

Until You Taste You Do Not Know ....

Yes, until one taste the goodness of God want does not know. I wanted to post this yesterday but was just too busy to do so but it is better late than not doing so.

Yesterday morning I proclaim God's goodness in a text to someone dear, not realising that I would see this manifested half an hour later! I had a thorough bred handsome Alsatian charging at me. I just stood my ground and waited for the inevitable. Incredibly I had that peace within me even though my heart was thumping like a bongo drum. Believe it or not the dog halted in front of me, and looked intently at me - and me at him. (I would rather a big hunk of a handsome man doing that instead of a big strong and healthy dog.) The dog decided that I needed a thorough sniff over; he started from my toes, legs and up to my upper thigh - sniffed and looked, sniffed and looked. It must have been a sight to behold ....

By God's grace the owner of the dog who was on her way out looked at her reflector mirror and must have seen what was happening, rolled the screen of her car down and shouted at the dog.
Reluctantly the dog bidded her call and ran back into the house. Phew ....

I believe my Lord has intervened and I was spared being bitten by the dog who is know for his ferociousness. Someone asked me, did the owner not apologised, well it did not occur to me that this is necessary, I was not bitten by the dog, I know that when an Alsatian attacks it usually leaps at its victim. I was spared, I could not asked for more. I know that my God has protected me I am just very grateful. Yes, until one has "taste" and see how good God is one do not know.

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